
Tutuwa’s great-grandmother was a beneficiary of generations of African women who passed on the wisdom of ages – how to make skincare products using traditional African herbs and oils and trading them for barter. She knew, for instance, to mix Neem leaves with her oils when her skin was breaking out, and to mix Baobab oil with her soaps to slow down wrinkling. Today, Nokware is a modern-day African skincare brand. Inspired by Grandma’s wisdom, they aim to promote African herbs, oils, and plants. They heal and protect us and can be found all over Africa. This fusion of traditional and modern-day knowledge is a part of their generational legacy, and it is their privilege to be able to share that heritage with the rest of the world.

Nokware Ghana Shea Butter
Nokware Ghana exfoliating sponge
Nokware Ghana Shea butter Face Cleanser